Welcome to my little bit of cyber-space. It is my prayer that all who enter here may be richly blessed by the God of all grace. All praise to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Honduras, Part 2

We just returned from a Christmas Eve service where we reflected on the birth of Christ, and as we took communion the pastor reminded us to see Jesus in others which was basically the theme of our mission trip this past week. Each evening as we held our "debriefing" session we shared many ways we saw Jesus in each other and especially the loving Honduran people.

The pastors and members of the small rural churches prepared a delicious Honduran meal for our lunch each day, sharing with us from their own food supply. The children shared their smiles and hugs. Several grandparents brought their grandchildren to be seen, and often kissed us on the cheek as they left.

Our team consisted of two dentists, eleven dental students and three support persons plus an interpreter. All of the dentists and dental students pulled teeth every day. The girl in the red top is my daughter Mandy pulling a tooth. Since I was one of the three team members without any dental training, I spent most of my time in the pharmacy dispensing the pain medicine and antibiotics the dentists prescribed. I also helped some with sterilization of the instruments and passed out coloring sheets and crayons to the children.

Our group began each clinic with a prayer circle for the work to be done that day, and the people we would see. In our morning and evening devotions our interpreter, Pedro, often played his guitar and sang songs both in Spanish and English. One of the songs we knew so we sang in English while he continued in Spanish. The sound of the languages blending together gave me a glimpse of what heaven might sound like with the saints "from every tribe and language and people and nation" (Revelation 5:9) praising God for eternity.

Our team was led by Dr. David Sperow who lived with his wife Marti as missionaries in Honduras for two years. The mission statement for LaCima missions is: "To spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ by partnering with local churches and missionaries around the globe. We will use our time, talents, and resources to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the impoverished peoples of the world." For more info please check out his website at www.lacimaworldmissions.org

I'll close with a short piece I wrote and shared with the group our last evening there entitled "Dichotomy"
When I saw Jesus in you, I saw
A gentleness, yet a fierceness
Joy mixed with sorrow
Meekness and bravery
Laughter and tears
Playful, serious
The heart of a child mixed with a growing maturity
Calm, excited
Skillful, yet willing to seek help when necessary
My prayer is that you may always be guided
by Him Who is the
Alpha and the Omega.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Buenos Dias, Amigos

Greetings from the lovely country of Honduras. Our dental mission team is staying in San Pedro Sula and holding dental clinics in the surounding countryside. Our first clinic went very smoothly today, seeing 22 patients in the afternoon following church services at an English speaking congregation. Our leader, Dr. Dave Sperrow told us last night to look for Jesus today, and one of the first songs we sang this morning was "Open my eyes, Lord. I want to see Jesus." And God answered that prayer in many ways--from the smiling faces of the children to the loving spirit at the church to the spirit of servanthood shown by the team members.

Please pray for our team to continue to see Jesus and follow His lead. I'll report more later.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Friends and Family

Sorry I didn't post last weekend due to my hubby and I being on the road. We were gone 10 days and put over 2,000 miles on our car. We spent the first night with Judy, a friend from college who lives in Alabama. The picture at the bottom left shows us sitting with her on her couch. In her bedroom was a plaque that sums up our relationship: "Friends are a gift from God." We then spent one night at Dauphin Island, AL, our only hotel stay of the trip.

The next day we were off to New Orleans where most of my family now live to spend Thanksgiving with them. My two sisters and their families are still living in FEMA trailers more than a year after Katrina. The picture of the two ladies in teal shirts are my two sisters wearing the shirts my daughter sent them as an early Christmas gift. Butterflies were our mother's trademark. The other two pictures are of my husband and brother-in-law working on the house--running wiring and shoring up a broken timber under the house. We would appreciate all prayers for them to have speedy success in getting back into their home soon.

Our last stop was Lake Charles, Louisiana, where we spent two days with one of my "forever friends." (see October 15 post) Sandi and I went through school from 7th grade through college. The pic above of the three ladies with "flowers in their hair" is from a previous visit at Sandi's. Phyllis, my college roommmate was also there at the same time and we had a blast!

I am so thankful for my family and friends, both silver and gold. Next week I will be making many new friends on a dental mission trip to Honduras with my youngest daughter and some of her fellow dental students. Prayers for all aspects of this trip are much appreciated, too. I'll report about the journey next time.