Why Did A Big Honkin' Chicken Cross the Road?
I'm a member of Brandilyn Collin's Big Honkin' Chickens Club (BHCC)--people who read her women's fiction, but not her "seatbelt suspense" books. I love everything about her writing, especially her "feel like you're in their skin" characters. But, she is currently only writing suspense novels, so I have been in a dilemma the past couple years. Do I dare cross over to the dark side or do I read her Bradleyville series over again and again? (If you haven't read them, stop right now and rush out and get them!)
Brandilyn herself told me that Violet Dawn, the first book in the Kanner Lake series, is a little milder than some of her other suspense books, so I promised her I would read it and have been gathering up my courage. This past weekend our whole family spent 3 days in a cabin in the Smokies, so I figured it would be a good un-scary time to start the book with 11 people in the house!
Since I knew the first scene took place in a hot tub I decided to begin my read there, but you will notice in the picture that I only put my feet in the water. Once you read the book, you will find out why. BWAAAAH! And once you start reading it, you won't be able to stop even if you are a scaredy-cat like me! I stayed up past midnight last night to finish it, and now I want to read the next one in the series, Coral Moon, because one of the minor characters in the first book is the main character in the second one, plus I want to find out what is happening with the other inhabitants of Kanner Lake. In other words, I got hooked by one of the best "hook-ers" in the business of writing Christian fiction.
So travel on over to Brandilyn's website at http://www.brandilyncollins.com/ for more info on all her books and/or to join the BHCClub. And if you are interested in writing, you have to check out her other site http://www.forensicsandfaith.blogspot.com/ for some of the best writing tips and market info around. Plus the true story of Brandilyn's healing! Enjoy! Just don't blame me if you never want to get in a hot tub all alone again!