Book Review--A Promise for Spring by Kim Sawyer
If you have been following my blog for very long, you've read several reviews of books by Kim Vogel Sawyer. Besides being a wonderful author, she is a dear friend, and I am always happy to have the privilege to read and review her books. But you will have to buy your own copy, as I don't use her books as giveaways, although I do share them with neighbors!
Kim has a soft, gentle voice and demeanor, and her books are soft and gentle reads with much emotion, and you become so involved with the characters that you feel like you want to sit down and talk with them even after you finish reading the book!
A Promise for Spring is no exception. I usually empathize with the heroines in novels, but in this story, I felt great compassion for both the heroine, Emmaline Bradford, and the hero, Geoffrey Garrett. The young couple had been promised to each other back in England, their home country. Neither knew it would be five long years before they would see each other again, or how much each would change during that time. It reminded me of when my husband was overseas in the Air Force and I was back in KY attending college. Although our time apart was a little less than one year, we still had many adjustments to make to each other and the changes that had taken place in our lives.
Imagine traveling half a world away to marry a person whom you haven't seen for five years. Emmaline and Geoffrey have both gone through huge changes in their relationship with each other and with God. They each need to renew their faith in Him and in each other before their new life together can flourish. I hope you will buy and read this book to find out if and how a "well-bred Englishwoman" will "become a wildflower bride."