More Conference Photos and Info
I'm back with installment #2 of ACFW conference pics and info. Joining me in the first photo is Christina Miller who attends our KY Christian Writers meetings, altho she lives in Southern Indiana. Christy was a finalist in the Genesis contest for unpubbed writers. We are very proud of her.
The next picture is me with prayer partner and friend Connie Stevens who received her first contract while at conference! We are all so happy for her! Check out more of her faith-filled journey at http://www.conniestevenswrites.com/
The lady in the blue denim jumper is my former agent, Andrea Boeshaar. One of the reasons she quit agenting was to have more time to write her own books. She recently received a contract for 7 books from Strang. Way to go, Andrea! Find out more at http://www.andreaboeshaar.com/
The youngest attendee of the conference was this little cutie shown with her dad, Stuart Stockton www.ritersbloc.com . She is wearing a costume similar to a character in her dad's book, Starfire. You can check out more about his debut novel at http://www.marcherlordpress.com/ Stuart and his wife Tiff who is pubbed by Barbour under her middle and last name, Amber Stockton, met at one of the first ACFW conferences, and are now happily married and the proud parents of this sweetie. The both write fiction, but you can read about their real-life romance at http://www.amberstockton.com/
I hope you will enjoy checking out these authors and their books. Be sure to leave a comment by September 30 if you want to win Maggie Rose by Sharlene MacLaren. And check in on October 1st to find out the winner and the name of our next book drawing you could win!