Do you want to be a woman of strength--physically, emotionally and especially spiritually? Then let Kimberley Payne guide you along the path to a stronger you as she shares her personal life-lessons, devotionals, and exercises with you.
This book takes you through the whole year with various suggestions for each season, so order it now, and get started whenever you want. Reading one segment a day will keep you encouraged to continue on with your exercise program.
You can order this ebook on Smashwords under her name and the title.
Welcome to my little bit of cyber-space. It is my prayer that all who enter here may be richly blessed by the God of all grace. All praise to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Thursday, February 14, 2013
More Seed Stories and a giveaway by Staci Stallings
Staci is back again, and don't forget to read to the bottom to check out the great giveaway.
Seed Stories by Stack Stallings
Last time we talked about how important it is to plant a seed if you want something to grow. You not only have to plant a seed, you have to plant the right seed. Planting a corn seed and expecting wheat to grow isn’t any more logical than planting no seed and expecting something to grow.
So in our lives, we need to be conscious of planting the Jesus Seed at the center of everything we do–in our work, in our homes, in our lives. If we don’t plant it and then nurture it, why would we expect it to grow or even be there?
In fact, in Luke 8:11, God points this lesson out in very direct language: “Now the parable is this: the seed is the word of God.”
And we know from the beginning of John WHO the Word of God is: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men. 5 The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.”
The Word was/is Jesus. So the seed is Jesus as well.
Several stories in the Bible point to lessons about seeds, and if you take it a step further and recognize that JESUS Himself is the seed, they become even more powerful and thought-provoking.
Let’s take one such example from a Bible verse.
2 Corinthians 9:10
“Now He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness.”
He refers to God and the seed to Jesus. You are the sower.
Now again, I don’t know how much you know about farming, but see if you can follow this line of thinking.
I want to plant a crop, let’s say it’s a wheat crop. If I plant “a” wheat seed, how much wheat will I have when my harvest happens?
One stalk of wheat, right?
So what do I do if I want a “large” harvest? Not just plant one seed, right? I have to plant a LOT of seeds if I want a big harvest!
So this verse says that God is going to supply a sower who is intent on spreading the Word of God with A LOT of seed, and He will seek to increase the harvest of your righteousness!
That means… “Dude, don’t be stingy with your Jesus seed! God’s going to give you A LOT of it!”
In the forgiveness realm this is akin to 70 X 7. Infinity times infinity times ten.
Luke 6:38 says: “Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure—pressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return.”
Both verses are saying the same thing: Don’t be stingy with the seed (the Word of God, Jesus) that you have been given! Give it out! Use it! Plant it! Nurture it!
The more you plant, the more you will be given to plant.
In fact, if you know about things like wheat, you know that a plant will produce many seeds. So each seed you plant will produce more.
This is one of the things I think is so very cool about God–He is infinite, abundant, overflowing with good things, and He’s standing at the ready to put all those good things in your life, if you will just have enough faith to start planting some Jesus seeds!
Staci Stallings, the author of this article, is a #1 Best Selling author and the co-founder a new website that gives Christian readers and authors a place to meet and fellowship. With a newsletter, a blog, a forum, and other exciting, inspiring areas to visit, CrossReads visitors can find fabulous Christian books they never knew existed. Come over on Feb. 12-14, and enter to win one of 169 virtual baskets of ebooks, gift cards, and other prizes!
Seed Stories by Stack Stallings
Last time we talked about how important it is to plant a seed if you want something to grow. You not only have to plant a seed, you have to plant the right seed. Planting a corn seed and expecting wheat to grow isn’t any more logical than planting no seed and expecting something to grow.
So in our lives, we need to be conscious of planting the Jesus Seed at the center of everything we do–in our work, in our homes, in our lives. If we don’t plant it and then nurture it, why would we expect it to grow or even be there?
In fact, in Luke 8:11, God points this lesson out in very direct language: “Now the parable is this: the seed is the word of God.”
And we know from the beginning of John WHO the Word of God is: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men. 5 The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.”
The Word was/is Jesus. So the seed is Jesus as well.
Several stories in the Bible point to lessons about seeds, and if you take it a step further and recognize that JESUS Himself is the seed, they become even more powerful and thought-provoking.
Let’s take one such example from a Bible verse.
2 Corinthians 9:10
“Now He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness.”
He refers to God and the seed to Jesus. You are the sower.
Now again, I don’t know how much you know about farming, but see if you can follow this line of thinking.
I want to plant a crop, let’s say it’s a wheat crop. If I plant “a” wheat seed, how much wheat will I have when my harvest happens?
One stalk of wheat, right?
So what do I do if I want a “large” harvest? Not just plant one seed, right? I have to plant a LOT of seeds if I want a big harvest!
So this verse says that God is going to supply a sower who is intent on spreading the Word of God with A LOT of seed, and He will seek to increase the harvest of your righteousness!
That means… “Dude, don’t be stingy with your Jesus seed! God’s going to give you A LOT of it!”
In the forgiveness realm this is akin to 70 X 7. Infinity times infinity times ten.
Luke 6:38 says: “Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure—pressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return.”
Both verses are saying the same thing: Don’t be stingy with the seed (the Word of God, Jesus) that you have been given! Give it out! Use it! Plant it! Nurture it!
The more you plant, the more you will be given to plant.
In fact, if you know about things like wheat, you know that a plant will produce many seeds. So each seed you plant will produce more.
This is one of the things I think is so very cool about God–He is infinite, abundant, overflowing with good things, and He’s standing at the ready to put all those good things in your life, if you will just have enough faith to start planting some Jesus seeds!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Ponderings and a giveaway by Staci Stallings
Welcome to Staci Stallings who is visiting with some words of wisdom and with a giveaway.
The Jesus Seed by Staci Stallings
Here is an interesting concept, but first, we’re going to look at a scenario you’re going to find humorous.
A farmer decides that he wants to grow corn. So he goes out into his field, and he forms all the furrows. He waters the field because he’s been told he must do so in order to yield a crop. He makes sure that he starts watering in the Spring because he’s heard that’s the best time to raise a crop. He fertilizes the soil because he’s heard you should do that if you want good corn. He waters it some more and puts on some bug killer because he doesn’t want the bugs to come and destroy his crop.
He waits, and soon something starts coming up–a bunch of weeds. Angry, he goes out and starts hoeing the weeds. He hoes from sun up to sun down, row after row after row. When he’s finished, he looks out over his field and is incredibly disappointed. He’s done everything right and still no corn!
So he increases the water and keeps chopping at the weeds. After all, that’s what the farmer down the road did and this worked great for him. The farmer keeps this up all summer, but when harvest time arrives, he is incredibly frustrated. Why didn’t his field produce any corn?
Go ahead. Answer the question.
Why did this farmer’s field not produce any corn?
Because he didn’t plant any!
Now this is going to sound ridiculously simple, but if you don’t plant a seed, I don’t care how much you work and tend that field, you are not going to get a crop.
So I’m going to ask you–have you ever worked to get a crop but forgotten to plant a Jesus Seed first?
In the book I’m reading, “How People Change” by Timothy S. Lane and Paul David Tripp, the idea of Jesus as seed is touched upon. Strangely maybe, I have never had cause to think of Jesus this way, but if you start with that metaphor and look at the Bible stories and parables about seed, it will illuminate many new insights.
You see, I don’t care what “crop” you are wanting to grow, without Jesus at the center of it, you’re watering and weeding a crop that is never going to show up. And if it does, it will feel very empty and will almost certainly lead you to death rather than life.
Really. Look at some of the news stories of the past couple years. Bernie Madoff for example. He wanted money, and he scammed and lied and cheated. Clearly he forgot to plant the Jesus Seed first. Instead, he did what the world said would give him what he wanted, and he ended up with a field full of weeds.
Look at some of the stars that have gone off the deep-end. They wanted fame and fortune. They watered their talent and let the sun shine on their careers, but when the weeds showed up and took over, they had no defense against them. The crop of fame and fortune turned to bitterness and regret.
If you want change, if you want a great crop, you have to start with a Jesus Seed. You must plant HIM in the middle of your field. The dreams with Him in the center may not bring you where you thought you wanted to go, but they will always bring you where you were always meant to be.
To plant your Jesus Seed, seek His will for your life, put your desires in His hands and take the steps He’s asking you to take when He asks you to take them. Yes, there will still be watering and weeding to do, but the Seed of Goodness is the key to having an abundant crop that will lead to a life you cannot even imagine right now!
Staci Stallings, the author of this article, is a #1 Best Selling author and the co-founder a new website that gives Christian readers and authors a place to meet and fellowship. With a newsletter, a blog, a forum, and other exciting, inspiring areas to visit, CrossReads visitors can find fabulous Christian books they never knew existed.
Come over on Feb. 12-14, and enter to win one of 169 virtual baskets of ebooks, gift cards, and other prizes!
The Jesus Seed by Staci Stallings
Here is an interesting concept, but first, we’re going to look at a scenario you’re going to find humorous.
A farmer decides that he wants to grow corn. So he goes out into his field, and he forms all the furrows. He waters the field because he’s been told he must do so in order to yield a crop. He makes sure that he starts watering in the Spring because he’s heard that’s the best time to raise a crop. He fertilizes the soil because he’s heard you should do that if you want good corn. He waters it some more and puts on some bug killer because he doesn’t want the bugs to come and destroy his crop.
He waits, and soon something starts coming up–a bunch of weeds. Angry, he goes out and starts hoeing the weeds. He hoes from sun up to sun down, row after row after row. When he’s finished, he looks out over his field and is incredibly disappointed. He’s done everything right and still no corn!
So he increases the water and keeps chopping at the weeds. After all, that’s what the farmer down the road did and this worked great for him. The farmer keeps this up all summer, but when harvest time arrives, he is incredibly frustrated. Why didn’t his field produce any corn?
Go ahead. Answer the question.
Why did this farmer’s field not produce any corn?
Because he didn’t plant any!
Now this is going to sound ridiculously simple, but if you don’t plant a seed, I don’t care how much you work and tend that field, you are not going to get a crop.
So I’m going to ask you–have you ever worked to get a crop but forgotten to plant a Jesus Seed first?
In the book I’m reading, “How People Change” by Timothy S. Lane and Paul David Tripp, the idea of Jesus as seed is touched upon. Strangely maybe, I have never had cause to think of Jesus this way, but if you start with that metaphor and look at the Bible stories and parables about seed, it will illuminate many new insights.
You see, I don’t care what “crop” you are wanting to grow, without Jesus at the center of it, you’re watering and weeding a crop that is never going to show up. And if it does, it will feel very empty and will almost certainly lead you to death rather than life.
Really. Look at some of the news stories of the past couple years. Bernie Madoff for example. He wanted money, and he scammed and lied and cheated. Clearly he forgot to plant the Jesus Seed first. Instead, he did what the world said would give him what he wanted, and he ended up with a field full of weeds.
Look at some of the stars that have gone off the deep-end. They wanted fame and fortune. They watered their talent and let the sun shine on their careers, but when the weeds showed up and took over, they had no defense against them. The crop of fame and fortune turned to bitterness and regret.
If you want change, if you want a great crop, you have to start with a Jesus Seed. You must plant HIM in the middle of your field. The dreams with Him in the center may not bring you where you thought you wanted to go, but they will always bring you where you were always meant to be.
To plant your Jesus Seed, seek His will for your life, put your desires in His hands and take the steps He’s asking you to take when He asks you to take them. Yes, there will still be watering and weeding to do, but the Seed of Goodness is the key to having an abundant crop that will lead to a life you cannot even imagine right now!

Come over on Feb. 12-14, and enter to win one of 169 virtual baskets of ebooks, gift cards, and other prizes!
Saturday, February 02, 2013
New Book Giveaway and winners from last month
I'm a day late in posting, but I was under the weather yesterday, but better today, so here goes.
This month's book giveaway for one of our commenters during the month of Feb. is Nightingale by Susan May Warren. I have read many of her books, and this is one of my favorites so far. It has a literary feel and is set during the last days of WWII, with many twists and turns and a heart-stopping happy ending, so do yourself a favor and leave a comment with contact info often this month. Every comment gives you one chance to win!
January had two giveaways--K Dawn Byrd's ebook goes to Cheri Swalwell and
my copy of Perfect by Harry Kraus MD goes to Jackie Layton.
Congrats to the winners and let's have some more!
This month's book giveaway for one of our commenters during the month of Feb. is Nightingale by Susan May Warren. I have read many of her books, and this is one of my favorites so far. It has a literary feel and is set during the last days of WWII, with many twists and turns and a heart-stopping happy ending, so do yourself a favor and leave a comment with contact info often this month. Every comment gives you one chance to win!
January had two giveaways--K Dawn Byrd's ebook goes to Cheri Swalwell and
my copy of Perfect by Harry Kraus MD goes to Jackie Layton.
Congrats to the winners and let's have some more!
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