Welcome to my little bit of cyber-space. It is my prayer that all who enter here may be richly blessed by the God of all grace. All praise to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

A tribute to a life well-lived and well-loved--Diann Hunt

Although I knew Diann Hunt through ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) I got to know her better after she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and a group of us joined up to pray for her on Facebook @ Prayers for Diann Hunt. We would post prayers and messages to her, and she would encourage us with her messages of love and unique humor.

While we all prayed for her healing, we have assurance that she is healed today in Jesus' presence. And her words and personality will still live on in her over thirty books. You can find out more about her and her books at www.diannhunt.com 

All of us are eagerly awaiting the Hallmark movie production of her book For Better or For Worse which will be out in July, 2014.

You can read more posts by her and about her at www.GirlsWriteOut.blogspot.com

Several other friends have also posted about her on their blogs today, so please check them out also:




Saturday, December 14, 2013

And the winner of Anita Higman's A Marriage in Middlebury is...

...Norma S. Anita will mail her book as soon as we hear back from her with her mailing addy.

I hope everyone will stop by tomorrow for a tribute to a wonderful Christian author who recently passed away from ovarian cancer. Several ACFW authors are paying tribute to her and her Christian example and writing, so come back and see whom we are honoring tomorrow.

Sunday, December 08, 2013

One winner chosen and one more to go. Will it be you?

The winner of Ann Gabhart's book Christmas at Harmony Hill is Bonton. I emailed her, and the book will be in the mail posthaste so she will hopefully receive it to read by Christmas.

The drawing for Anita Higman's book A Marriage in Middlebury will be held next Saturday, so you have 6 days left to leave a comment with your mailing addy if you want to be entered. If you're not sure, read the review on my blog and/or the post by Anita giving some background reasons for writing the story. Happy Reading!

Saturday, December 07, 2013

Q and A and giveaway of A Marriage in Middlebury by Anita Higman

Displaying 5_016.jpgGood morning, Anita. Thanks for stopping by to visit and tell us more about your delightful book. What was your inspiration for A Marriage in Middlebury?

The idea for this book came from my absolute love of tearooms in Texas. In fact, here’s my note to readers on that very subject: 
More than a decade ago I met a woman named Linda Becker
who opened a tearoom in the Houston burbs called, Tea for
Two. Her eatery and gift shop did so well, she opened a second
shop. Over the years I’ve enjoyed her wonderful tearoom
fare as well as the quaint ambiance. Linda’s tearoom isn’t just
a café—it’s a gathering place for friends, a place to eat home
cooked food, and a place so cozy you don’t want to leave.
As a writer I thought it might be fun to create a heroine who
owns a tearoom similar to Linda’s and set her shop in a small
town on the gulf coast of Texas. So, that’s how the novel, A
Marriage in Middlebury, was born. Even though my story, the
characters, and the town are fictional, Linda’s tearooms are
real places you can visit and enjoy. Thank you, Linda, for the
great food, and the fellowship, and the inspiration.

 Everything was going smoothly for the main character when suddenly everything changes with the return of her ex. What advice do you have when life throws a curveball?
 As a Christian we should trust in the One who made us, the One who’s known us from the first day when we were being knit together in our mother’s womb, the One who loves us best. Trusting in Him during life’s storms is the only answer, and it’s more than enough.

Charlotte was pressured into breaking off her relationship with Sam by Sam’s father - how should we react to family pressures and difficult relatives?
Bathe the situation in prayer and then talk things through no matter how painful. But once the air is clear, forgive and move on. Don’t keep going back over and over. Forgiveness is not easy, but it’s the only way to live free. It helps to remember that forgiveness is what God offered us when we sinned against Him.

Such great advice! Is there a certain Bible passage or verse that goes along with the theme of A Marriage in Middlebury?
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)
Are any of the characters or events in A Marriage in Middlebury based on your own experiences?
Well, I love art, flowers, quirky characters, and tearooms. And somehow I managed to put them all into the novel. It was a fun ride!

 Do you find yourself returning to similar themes in your novels (i.e. forgiveness, trust, etc.) or do you have a new message with each release?
Yes, I tend to go back to the themes of forgiveness and reconciliation. These are not only good themes for a story, but they are paramount in living the Christian life.

What do you hope readers will walk away with after they turn the last page of A Marriage in Middlebury?
 That with God all things are possible!

Like several of your other books, A Marriage in Middlebury is set in your home state of Texas - what are some of your favorite things about Texas?
Overall, Texas is an inexpensive place to live, it’s a great place to raise a family, and it’s one of the friendliest places on earth. I’ve lived here for about thirty years, and I’m proud to call Texas my home.

Before becoming a writer, you had number of interesting jobs - what was it about writing that drew you in?
I had an incredible need to tell stories. I don’t think I had a choice in becoming a writer—the profession sort of chose me. But I’m content in that truth. 

Readers, do you have a question for Anita? Be sure to leave a comment or question below with your email to be in the drawing for a copy of A Marriage in Middlebury. Winner to be posted on Saturday, December 14th so you could win a Christmas present for yourself or someone else. 

Friday, December 06, 2013

Book Review of A Marriage in Middlebury

Displaying A Marriage in Middlebury Cover.jpg I love Anita Higman's writing, and I just finished her delightful book of secrets and second chances. We all love secrets and second chances, don't we?

And I have a personal reason to like this book--the heroine (Charlotte Rose Hill) as well as her business (Rose Cottage Tea-room) share my name (Rose).

But the story is what pulls you in! Charlotte seems to have a wonderful life with her successful business and many quirky friends. In fact, her small town contains so many unique characters, I hope she will invite us on a return trip in a sequel. But, Charlotte has some big secrets from the past that need to be brought to light so she can find the future God has for her.

Her former fiance shows up engaged, and his wife-to-be asks Charlotte to cater the reception. Talk about awkward! I don't want to give away any more of the plot, except to say you need to read this book of secrets and prejudice and unforgiveness and forgiveness. We can each learn a lot as we experience what the characters are going through. And be thoroughly entertained in the process!

Please check back tomorrow for a guest blog by the author, Anita Higman, and a chance to win a copy of A Marriage in Middlebury.