Sunday, January 21, 2007
The sermon today was about mistakes we make. One of the quotes the preacher shared really stuck with me throughout the day in regards to my writing. Malcom Forbes said, " Failure is success if we learn from it." An online search also led me to this quote by Henry Ford. "Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently."
I know I have a lot to learn about writing fiction. Most of the writers on the ACFW loop say writing is a lifelong learning process, which suits me fine because I love to learn new things! So, each failure is a success for me if I can learn from the experience and "begin again more intelligently." As the minister said, we can learn from our own mistakes and from the mistakes of others. So, I will continue to read and study writing how-to books and attend conferences, and most of all, continue to write and implement what I have learned.
I received a rejection letter a couple of weeks ago. I told my husband it was a "nice" rejection letter, although that sounds like an oxymoron. But, it was addressed to me personally by my first name, and signed by the editor with her first name. (I had met her previously at a conference.) My failure in attaining a contract from that house can be my stepping stone to success as long as I continue to learn and to write more intelligently. How about you? Is there some failure you need to turn into a success by learning from your mistakes and implementing what you have learned? What better time to start than now?
Sunday, January 14, 2007
We are in the middle of a long-planned project to build a laundry room/shower room on our ground floor. For the past thirty-three years we have lived in this house, both the washer/dryer and the only shower have been in the basement. After thousands of trips up and down the steps, we finally are working on making this dream a reality.
We hired a couple of guys to close in and insulate a section of our back porch. My husband is doing the plumbing and wiring himself. Today we went to order the washer/dryer. We left them at the store to be delivered later, but picked up the electrical and plumbing supplies he would need to get ready for them. When he finishes with that, I will help paint and decorate the room.
Thinking about how much work is going into this small project caused me to ponder the remodeling God is continually doing in us when we allow ourselves to be led by Him. Although the word remodel is not in the Scriptures, there are many verses about renewal and transformation. One of my favorites is Romans 12:2 "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is---His good, pleasing and perfect will."
Another one I really like is Psalm 51:10 when David prays, "Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." As we move through this new year God has given us, I pray that we all may be renewed and remodeled by the Great Architect. (Hebrews 11:10) Happy remodeling!
Sunday, January 07, 2007

Mothers and Daughters
Dear Readers, thanks for the comments several have left about about the mission trip. This will probably be my last one about the trip unless God leads otherwise.
This experience was very special to me as it was an answer to a prayer request I've been praying for several years for me and my youngest daughter to go on a mission trip together. She had always promised me we would go when she got her medical degree, but she came home the first month of classes and said she found out there was a mission trip planned that she could go on as a dental student. I told her to ask if her mother could go along, and the rest is history! The picture of the two of us in our scrubs was taken in front of a carving at the hotel where the interdenominational church service we attended was held.
I am very thankful that we had this experience together and hope it will be the first of many trips. I was also very proud of my daughter and the others on the trip's willingness and boldness to do everything in their power to relieve tooth pain in the Honduran people and to assist the missionaries and pastors who serve there. The country is very poor economically, but the people are rich in friendliness and smiles!
Another mother/daughter team also went on the trip, a dentist and her daughter. Although the daughter was the youngest member of our group, she pitched in and did sterilization of instruments and helped in the pharmacy, too. It was special to see them together.
We also connected with another mother/daughter team as one of the missionaries we served was a woman who lives in Honduras with her two teenage daughters. I think God prepared us all to encourage each other and to help the Honduran people and be taught and loved by them.
It is my prayer that we all will continue to be led by God whereever He wants us to go. And I hope you will pray for God to send you and/or some of your loved ones on a mission trip. You never know how or when He will answer that prayer!
Monday, January 01, 2007

More pictures and Happy New Year!
I have tried unsuccessfully to download these two pictures (of my daughter and of our interpreter Pedro) to go with last week's blog several times, so am trying again this week. Hope it works this time. Check back next week for more on the Honduran mission trip.