Hi Trish, so happy to have you stop by for a visit and for your willingness to do a giveaway of your latest book, The Midwife's Legacy. Since today is Monday, we will do the giveaway next Monday evening from all commenters who leave a contact email and who have a US mailing address.
Please tell us about your favorite book as a child and your favorite book as an adult. Can you see a connection between those books?
I definitely had a favorite as a child: My Father’s Dragon, by Ruth Stiles Gannett. I can’t say I really have a favorite now that I’m an adult. But what I remember liking about MFD still holds true for novels I enjoy today. It transported me. It took me right into the story with it. And it left me feeling uplifted. Today I read just about every genre available, and I’m more than willing to read novels that move me but don’t have happy endings. But the novels I truly enjoy are those that leave me feeling hopeful.
What is your favorite Scripture? Do you also have a favorite Scripture that encourages you in your writing?
“So do not fear, for I am with you do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (Isaiah 41:10)
I turn to that verse when I start to fear or worry about anything. It always gives me peace.
One verse that encourages me in my writing is “Commit your works to the Lord and your plans will be established.” (Proverbs 16:3)
I believe that with all my heart, and I make a point of committing everything I do to the Lord every morning. That way I know that—whatever happens and whatever “I” accomplish that day—everything I undertake will be according to His plans for me. It relieves a lot of stress and comforts me.
If you could go to any place in the world to research/write a book, what setting would you choose?
I would choose Italy in the spring. A beautiful country villa in Lake Cuomo with a veranda looking out on the water and the proximity of shops and restaurants for when I was ready to reward my hard work with a break. Maybe run into George Clooney here and there.
My husband and I got to visit Italy on our 41st anniversary in 2009. It is lovely, and I hope you do get to go sometime. I can't guarantee you'll see George Clooney, though!
I often wonder if I would write if I had to do it the old-fashioned way without computers and spell-checks and email. Is there anything about technology that you don't like? Or anything about it that you feel enhances your writing?
I’m with you! When I have to write by hand, I’m annoyed, although I do find it forces me to let go of my internal editor and just dump. But I think better with a computer right in front of me, and I can get the words down more quickly when I’m on a roll.
What I don’t like is the fact that computers can let you down—I’ve had moments of text loss that have literally brought me to my knees, crying. That doesn’t happen when you have your work on paper!
As a writer how have you had to grow and stretch out of your comfort zone?
Two areas have challenged me over the years.
First, I’ve had to get used to the fact that not everyone who reads my work is going to like it—and those who don’t are often eager to express that dissatisfaction to the cyber world. Hey, it happens. C’est la vie.
Secondly, I still stumble all over my words when I talk to an editor about my ideas, and I probably always will. One terrific thing about writing for the CBA is how kind editors are. That helps a lot.
What advice would you give to a beginning writer that you wish someone had given you?
Again, I would recommend taking the first moments of your day to commit what you do to the Lord. And then do your best—write when you can and write the best you can. Learn as much as you can in the time allotted to you. Don’t let life’s interruptions cause you dismay. The writing will happen according to God’s will, as will the places your writing will go. Relax in that and do your best.
Please tell us about your book and where we can order it.
The book, The Midwife’s Legacy is actually a four-novella anthology, and each novella focuses on a midwife from a different point in time. Readers go from 1850’s Wisconsin to the 1860’s Oregon Trail to Portland at the turn of the century to the beautiful Willamette Valley in contemporary Oregon. And the lives of these four midwives are tied together by a journal that’s passed down through the years. I loved this project, and I think readers will, too. The book can be purchased at all of the online bookstores and by request at fine bookstores everywhere.
Welcome to my little bit of cyber-space. It is my prayer that all who enter here may be richly blessed by the God of all grace. All praise to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Monday, May 21, 2012
Book Launch for Lisa Lickel's A Map Quilt
Tomorrow, Tuesday, May 22nd is the launch day for Lisa Lickel's wonderful cozy mystery, A Map Quilt. I had a chance to read an advance copy and did a review of it on May 11, 2012 if you want to read more about it. And be sure to read below to find out how to receive lots of free gifts on this one day offer only!
DON’T MISS this great opportunity to read The Map Quilt eBook-- Death in rural Wisconsin is only the beginning to new chaos in Robertsville. —by author Lisa Lickel …get it at Amazon.com tomorrow and receive FREE E-GIFTS, including a CLOTH SCENTED BOOKMARK or EREADER SLEEVE, and LOTS OF FREEBIES offer good TOMORROW ONLY! http://bit.ly/IVSvQX
DON’T MISS this great opportunity to read The Map Quilt eBook-- Death in rural Wisconsin is only the beginning to new chaos in Robertsville. —by author Lisa Lickel …get it at Amazon.com tomorrow and receive FREE E-GIFTS, including a CLOTH SCENTED BOOKMARK or EREADER SLEEVE, and LOTS OF FREEBIES offer good TOMORROW ONLY! http://bit.ly/IVSvQX
Book Giveaway by Sherri Wilson Johnson
Today's spotlight is on Sherri Wilson Johnson, and she has agreed to give away an ebook copy of To Dance Once More to one commenter who leaves an email addy. The drawing will be next Sunday, May 27th.
Hi Sherri, how nice of you to do a giveaway. Tell us about your favorite book as a child and your favorite book as an adult. Can you see a connection between those books?
One of my favorite books as a child was The Little Red Lighthouse and the Great Gray Bridge by Hildegarde Swift (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Red_Lighthouse ). It came with a vinyl record, which turned the book into an audio book. I loved it because the lighthouse was tiny and hid underneath the George Washington Bridge. He felt like he wasn’t important but actually he was extremely important. Without him, ships would have slammed into the bridge at night. The story makes you feel hopeful that you can make a difference in this world. The sounds of the tugboat and other ships were fascinating to listen to as a child (a long time ago). My favorite book as an adult (except the Bible, of course) is hard to pinpoint. I love so many books and I dislike probably just as many.
What is your favorite Scripture? Do you also have a favorite Scripture that encourages you in your writing? John 14:1-3 has always been my favorite scripture. “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.” This makes life worth living. James 1:2-4 has been an encouragement to me in my adult life and in my writing. It says: “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” I could not get through the ups and downs of this life and of trying to complete my writing projects without this encouragement.
Yes, perseverance is important for us all, especially writers! If you could go to any place in the world to research/write a book, what setting would you choose? There are a lot of places I would like to visit just for fun. If I could go anywhere to visit for research, I suppose it would be to England or Sweden to research the places where my ancestors lived.
I often wonder if I would write if I had to do it the old-fashioned way without computers and spell-checks and email. Is there anything about technology that you don't like? Or anything about it that you feel enhances your writing? One of my main issues with technology is the fact that I have a hard time resisting the urge to use it. I waste a lot of time that could be used writing. However, I can’t imagine not having technology. Although I often handwrite with pen and pad, I definitely enjoy being able to type something and make corrections without having to rip a piece of paper out of a typewriter and start over or use correction fluid. My first novel was written on a typewriter. In a melancholy moment, I decided it was no good and I burned it in my fireplace. That novel was lost forever. But the more I’ve learned about the craft, the more I realize that the fireplace probably was the best place for that book. One of the best advantages of technology in the writing industry is the convenience it brings to marketing and also in the submission process. When I first started writing, it was expensive to make copies, mail manuscripts, and include a SASE and getting the word out about your projects was impossible unless you hired someone to do your marketing for you. I think technology has changed the face of writing for the better and as long as we as writers remember to use it in moderation, we’ll be successful.
As a writer how have you had to grow and stretch out of your comfort zone? Letting go of my work and submitting it to publishers and agents and letting other people read my words has stretched me. You have to be willing to be vulnerable and face rejection and correction. By doing that, I’ve realized that everything I want to say isn’t necessarily important and is subject to editing. I’ve learned to say things in as few words as possible.
What other advice would you give to a beginning writer that you wish someone had given you? Oh boy! I don’t think there is room enough on your blog for this. I guess one thing I would advise a beginning writer would be to be patient. If you don’t have patience, you’ll never persevere on the long road to publication. Also, get lots of practice, practice, practice every day—or at least several times a week. In this industry, you need to be as polished as possible. The more you write, the better your writing will be. I also recommend that all writers read the works of other authors (good and bad) to see how they can improve and how they can avoid big mistakes that will lead to rejection. Probably the most important thing would be to write with a message. Know what you want people to walk away from your words with and strive toward getting that message across in everything you write.
Do you want to add anything about your book such as how to order it? My debut novel, To Dance Once More, is available at Christianbook.com, Amazon, and many other places on the Internet. Here is the link to find out more: http://sherriwilsonjohnson.com/sherris-books/to-dance-once-more My second novel, Song of the Meadowlark, will be available in May and details about it can be found on my website. http://sherriwilsonjohnson.com/
My other blog is: http://www.sherrijinga.wordpress.com/
Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Author-Sherri-Wilson-Johnson/138396456193536
Find me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/swj_thewriter
Book Blurb: To Dance Once More is the story of Lydia Jane Barrington, a Victorian debutante. Lydia lives on a plantation in Florida under the watchful eye of her father. She’s quite an independent young lady who does not want to fall into the trap (as she sees it) that her mother and sisters have fallen into—marriage and motherhood. She wants to travel the world and experience life before giving her heart to a man. One day, her eyes are opened to love and no matter what, she cannot forget the blissful feeling it causes. She begins to believe that love isn’t such a bad thing after all. Then she discovers a secret that prohibits any of her dreams from ever coming true. She begins a quest to free herself and her family from a future of bondage. Hearts are broken and lives are torn apart because of Lydia’s own selfishness. Will she surrender to a call that God placed on her life and be able to experience love after all? You’ll have to read the book to find out. Here’s a link to the sneak peek: http://sherriwilsonjohnson.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/to-dance-once-more-media1.pdf
Bio: Sherri Wilson Johnson is the author of To Dance Once More and Song of the Meadowlark. She is from Georgia, has been married since 1988, and is a former homeschooling mom. She loves to write, read, eat ice cream, ride roller coasters and make people laugh. She loves Jesus and hopes to spread His love to the whole world through her writing.
Hi Sherri, how nice of you to do a giveaway. Tell us about your favorite book as a child and your favorite book as an adult. Can you see a connection between those books?
One of my favorite books as a child was The Little Red Lighthouse and the Great Gray Bridge by Hildegarde Swift (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Red_Lighthouse ). It came with a vinyl record, which turned the book into an audio book. I loved it because the lighthouse was tiny and hid underneath the George Washington Bridge. He felt like he wasn’t important but actually he was extremely important. Without him, ships would have slammed into the bridge at night. The story makes you feel hopeful that you can make a difference in this world. The sounds of the tugboat and other ships were fascinating to listen to as a child (a long time ago). My favorite book as an adult (except the Bible, of course) is hard to pinpoint. I love so many books and I dislike probably just as many.
What is your favorite Scripture? Do you also have a favorite Scripture that encourages you in your writing? John 14:1-3 has always been my favorite scripture. “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.” This makes life worth living. James 1:2-4 has been an encouragement to me in my adult life and in my writing. It says: “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” I could not get through the ups and downs of this life and of trying to complete my writing projects without this encouragement.
Yes, perseverance is important for us all, especially writers! If you could go to any place in the world to research/write a book, what setting would you choose? There are a lot of places I would like to visit just for fun. If I could go anywhere to visit for research, I suppose it would be to England or Sweden to research the places where my ancestors lived.
I often wonder if I would write if I had to do it the old-fashioned way without computers and spell-checks and email. Is there anything about technology that you don't like? Or anything about it that you feel enhances your writing? One of my main issues with technology is the fact that I have a hard time resisting the urge to use it. I waste a lot of time that could be used writing. However, I can’t imagine not having technology. Although I often handwrite with pen and pad, I definitely enjoy being able to type something and make corrections without having to rip a piece of paper out of a typewriter and start over or use correction fluid. My first novel was written on a typewriter. In a melancholy moment, I decided it was no good and I burned it in my fireplace. That novel was lost forever. But the more I’ve learned about the craft, the more I realize that the fireplace probably was the best place for that book. One of the best advantages of technology in the writing industry is the convenience it brings to marketing and also in the submission process. When I first started writing, it was expensive to make copies, mail manuscripts, and include a SASE and getting the word out about your projects was impossible unless you hired someone to do your marketing for you. I think technology has changed the face of writing for the better and as long as we as writers remember to use it in moderation, we’ll be successful.
As a writer how have you had to grow and stretch out of your comfort zone? Letting go of my work and submitting it to publishers and agents and letting other people read my words has stretched me. You have to be willing to be vulnerable and face rejection and correction. By doing that, I’ve realized that everything I want to say isn’t necessarily important and is subject to editing. I’ve learned to say things in as few words as possible.
What other advice would you give to a beginning writer that you wish someone had given you? Oh boy! I don’t think there is room enough on your blog for this. I guess one thing I would advise a beginning writer would be to be patient. If you don’t have patience, you’ll never persevere on the long road to publication. Also, get lots of practice, practice, practice every day—or at least several times a week. In this industry, you need to be as polished as possible. The more you write, the better your writing will be. I also recommend that all writers read the works of other authors (good and bad) to see how they can improve and how they can avoid big mistakes that will lead to rejection. Probably the most important thing would be to write with a message. Know what you want people to walk away from your words with and strive toward getting that message across in everything you write.
Do you want to add anything about your book such as how to order it? My debut novel, To Dance Once More, is available at Christianbook.com, Amazon, and many other places on the Internet. Here is the link to find out more: http://sherriwilsonjohnson.com/sherris-books/to-dance-once-more My second novel, Song of the Meadowlark, will be available in May and details about it can be found on my website. http://sherriwilsonjohnson.com/
My other blog is: http://www.sherrijinga.wordpress.com/
Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Author-Sherri-Wilson-Johnson/138396456193536
Find me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/swj_thewriter
Book Blurb: To Dance Once More is the story of Lydia Jane Barrington, a Victorian debutante. Lydia lives on a plantation in Florida under the watchful eye of her father. She’s quite an independent young lady who does not want to fall into the trap (as she sees it) that her mother and sisters have fallen into—marriage and motherhood. She wants to travel the world and experience life before giving her heart to a man. One day, her eyes are opened to love and no matter what, she cannot forget the blissful feeling it causes. She begins to believe that love isn’t such a bad thing after all. Then she discovers a secret that prohibits any of her dreams from ever coming true. She begins a quest to free herself and her family from a future of bondage. Hearts are broken and lives are torn apart because of Lydia’s own selfishness. Will she surrender to a call that God placed on her life and be able to experience love after all? You’ll have to read the book to find out. Here’s a link to the sneak peek: http://sherriwilsonjohnson.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/to-dance-once-more-media1.pdf
Bio: Sherri Wilson Johnson is the author of To Dance Once More and Song of the Meadowlark. She is from Georgia, has been married since 1988, and is a former homeschooling mom. She loves to write, read, eat ice cream, ride roller coasters and make people laugh. She loves Jesus and hopes to spread His love to the whole world through her writing.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Celebrating Writers Through Random Acts of Kindness
I am so happy to pass on this award (which was presented to me by Jackie Layton http://www.jackiesbackporch.blogspot.com/ ) to 4 authors who have encouraged me and helped me on the road to publication. Although there are hundreds more I could pick from, so I will also add ACFW (Anerican Christian Fiction Writers) to which many of them belong. So, drumroll please!
The winners of this award are: Jennifer Johnson, Jeanie Smith Cash, Debra Ullrick and Jeri Odell. Jennifer has been my crit partner for almost 10 years and has helped me grow as a writer and friend so much! Jeanie, Debra and Jeri took a chance on me as a unpublished author when they invited me to join them in a collection a couple years ago which resulted in my first pubbed fiction--Christmas Belles of Georgia.
So, a big thanks to all of them and the example they set for me and other Christian authors to encourage new authors. Please check out their blogs/websites below and congratulate them. And continue to pass this award on to others who have helped you and your writing with random acts of kindness!
Friday, May 18, 2012
Guestblog by Jennifer Fromke
Water, Water Everywhere . . .Guestblog by Jennifer Fromke, author of A Familiar Shore
I’m what you call a displaced Midwesterner. Raised in Michigan and living in North Carolina, I still cannot enjoy a glass of sweet tea. And pimiento cheese just plain worries me. And I sweat a lot - especially when the temperature decides to camp out in the 90s for 30 days running in summer.
But I’ve come to love this southern spot I call home now. As evidenced in my debut novel, A Familiar Shore. My main character lives in Charlotte and the opening scene takes place in Southport, NC. One of my main characters lives on a boat and travels up and down the eastern seaboard all year long.
When I lived in Michigan, a trip to the beach was a rare thing, and certainly never happened twice in the same year. But Charlotte, NC is a mere 2-1/2 hr drive to the beach. I still can’t believe how close we are! When I was a kid and we visited the beach, I tended to hang out on the pool deck. I’d go for a walk on the beach, but couldn’t wait to wash the sand off my feet and get back to the pool. When I look back at that experience, I can’t believe what a fool I was!
As an adult, I spend hours (while on vacation) watching the ocean. The vast expanse, the power of the waves, the beautiful (and odd) things that wash up, all point to the Creator. When I go to the coast now, I sit ON the beach and watch/listen/breathe in the ocean all day long. So I’ve developed this new appreciation for the beach, the ocean, since I moved to the South.
I think I’ve communicated that love for the ocean in my novel. But I also have this thing for freshwater lakes. I grew up on the Great Lakes and we played on lots of smaller lakes too. So half the novel takes place in Michigan on one such lake.
Like a Midwestern girl living in a foreign land (read: the South), my main character becomes a fish out of water when she reaches northern, unsalted shores. I didn’t put a lot of my own personality into this character, but the displacement and love for getting out on the water are definitely mine.
I travel to Michigan and stay on my favorite lake when Charlotte temperatures soar each summer. And I also look forward to watching ocean waves crash onto Carolina shores when I have a chance. If there’s one thing I’ve learned to appreciate in God’s creation, it’s water. Revelation says that in the new heaven and new earth, there is no sea. But the River of Life will flow from God’s throne and that will be all the water we need.
I’m what you call a displaced Midwesterner. Raised in Michigan and living in North Carolina, I still cannot enjoy a glass of sweet tea. And pimiento cheese just plain worries me. And I sweat a lot - especially when the temperature decides to camp out in the 90s for 30 days running in summer.
But I’ve come to love this southern spot I call home now. As evidenced in my debut novel, A Familiar Shore. My main character lives in Charlotte and the opening scene takes place in Southport, NC. One of my main characters lives on a boat and travels up and down the eastern seaboard all year long.
When I lived in Michigan, a trip to the beach was a rare thing, and certainly never happened twice in the same year. But Charlotte, NC is a mere 2-1/2 hr drive to the beach. I still can’t believe how close we are! When I was a kid and we visited the beach, I tended to hang out on the pool deck. I’d go for a walk on the beach, but couldn’t wait to wash the sand off my feet and get back to the pool. When I look back at that experience, I can’t believe what a fool I was!
As an adult, I spend hours (while on vacation) watching the ocean. The vast expanse, the power of the waves, the beautiful (and odd) things that wash up, all point to the Creator. When I go to the coast now, I sit ON the beach and watch/listen/breathe in the ocean all day long. So I’ve developed this new appreciation for the beach, the ocean, since I moved to the South.
I think I’ve communicated that love for the ocean in my novel. But I also have this thing for freshwater lakes. I grew up on the Great Lakes and we played on lots of smaller lakes too. So half the novel takes place in Michigan on one such lake.
Like a Midwestern girl living in a foreign land (read: the South), my main character becomes a fish out of water when she reaches northern, unsalted shores. I didn’t put a lot of my own personality into this character, but the displacement and love for getting out on the water are definitely mine.
I travel to Michigan and stay on my favorite lake when Charlotte temperatures soar each summer. And I also look forward to watching ocean waves crash onto Carolina shores when I have a chance. If there’s one thing I’ve learned to appreciate in God’s creation, it’s water. Revelation says that in the new heaven and new earth, there is no sea. But the River of Life will flow from God’s throne and that will be all the water we need.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Blog Tour Winners
Here are the winners of the two kindles given away by the John316 Marketing Network Blog Tour--Marnie Pohlmann and Patricia Day.
And the winner of a copy of my book Christmas Belles of Georgia is Joy Hannabass. You will need to scroll down to last week's post if you want to see the winners of the other blogsites by checking their blogs. Stay tuned for future giveaways.
And the winner of a copy of my book Christmas Belles of Georgia is Joy Hannabass. You will need to scroll down to last week's post if you want to see the winners of the other blogsites by checking their blogs. Stay tuned for future giveaways.
Jennifer Fromke and her debut novel, A Familiar Shore
Spotlight on debut novelist, Jennifer Fromke
One of the reasons I started this blog was to share books and authors with others. And I especially like to introduce new authors to my readers, so today I am happy to help my readers get to know more about Jennifer Fromke and her debut novel, A Familiar Shore
Tell us about your favorite book as a child and your favorite book as an adult. Can you see a connection between those books?
My favorite books were A Little Princess and The Secret Garden, both by Frances Hodgson Burnett. My favorite books of late (I’m afraid this changes as I read) are by Kate Morton: The Forgotten Garden, The House at Riverton, and The Distant Hours. And obviously, yes, there are strong similarities! All take place in England, and all of them involve an old and (except for one) huge house/castle-esque dwelling. I love the mystery and intrigue possible when you mix England, the past, and a stunning old house.
And they involve gardens! What is your favorite Scripture? Do you also have a favorite Scripture that encourages you in your writing?
I’ve spent a lot of time in Revelation over the years, somehow God seems to keep bringing me back. I taught a Bible study on this book, even wrote a study on the book. So one of my favorite verses comes from Rev. 21:5. It reads, “He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”
I keep coming back to this verse for several reasons. 1. Look at the world. Sadness, sickness, strife, lies, decay, bad choices everywhere you look . . . and God gives us this promise: I am making everything new. Not, I am gonna fix you up. Not, I’m gonna slap on a new coat of paint. But He tells us He is going to MAKE everything new again. This verse holds such promise! Such hope! 2. God told John to write it down because His words can be trusted and they are true. I’m not sure about anyone else, but if there are words guaranteed to be true, I’m gonna hang my life on them. So little turns out to be all that’s promised these days. But God’s words are true. 3. God told John to write. He didn’t tell him to remember or think about it. God told him to write. And I love this. I’m not saying I’ve ever taken dictation from God, but the idea that He values the written word, encourages me as a writer. I believe God called me to write and I want to write the words He’s ordained me to write.
My husband and I both love Revelation. Perhaps because it describes the place where we all want to go. If you could go to any place in the world to research/write a book, what setting would you choose?
Probably northern Michigan. I just love it there. I return every year, and my heart is sort of locked on the area. It’s a part of me already, but I’d love to soak myself in the atmosphere as I write about it. But if I had to choose a place outside my knowledge base, it would probably be England. I visited there once in college, but I’d love to spend a month in a country castle. Or a week in the city, walking the streets of Cheapside, rounding Piccadilly Circus and lingering in Trafalgar Square. I would also love a few more days in the museums there.
I often wonder if I would write if I had to do it the old-fashioned way without computers and spell-checks and email. Is there anything about technology that you don't like? Or anything about it that you feel enhances your writing?
I can remember writing plenty by hand - and I also remember learning to type on a real typewriter. There’s something wonderful about looking at the bottom of your hand and seeing it smeared with graphite from sliding across a page of penciled thoughts. But I would never trade technology - ever. When I remember the painful process of white-out and retyping, or when I consider the thought of mailing a complete manuscript - printed out - to a publisher, one at a time . . . I cringe. I’m not sure you could pry my apple products from my fingers anyway. I’m quite addicted.
Me, too! As a writer how have you had to grow and stretch out of your comfort zone?
I think the first big leap was showing my work to someone. When I started out in my first critique group, I would spend hours editing my work before I sent it off, worried they would find me a fool. Now, I shoot my first drafts off to my crit partners and expect them to tear it apart. I think I’ve developed a thick skin, and at the same time, I’ve come to crave criticism from people I trust. It makes me better and that’s what I’m constantly striving for - betterment. This has blended into a second stretch and that has to do with rejection. No one likes to get turned down for anything. But now I’m learning that if I don’t submit my work, it will never get accepted, but I can count on it getting rejected. It’s just part of the process. There is probably only one publisher out there right now who needs what I have to offer. I can research and scan websites until I go blind, but until I send it in, I’ll never know. So I’ve gotten used to the idea that my work will be rejected, but with that knowledge, I rest in the idea that it may also be accepted by someone too. And just because I’m rejected by one publisher does not mean my work is horrible. It means that publisher didn’t need it today. How many vegetables do you reject when you grocery shop? Lots! But it’s not because you hate all the vegetables. It’s because you only needed a few today.
Great analogy! What advice would you give to a beginning writer that you wish someone had given you?
Attending writing conferences will help you grow by leaps and bounds, and they are an excellent resource for meeting compatriots walking the same road toward publication.
Do you want to add anything about your book such as how to order it?
I’d love to! The book takes place over Memorial Day weekend, so this is an excellent time of year to read it! I think it will be great for summer reading. The water theme throughout will complement any time spent on the beach, at the lake or poolside.
The back cover copy reads like this: Meg Marks is a young lawyer raised off the coast of the Carolinas. An anonymous client hires her to arrange his will, and sends her to meet his estranged family at their lake home in northern Michigan. After a shocking discovery, she finds herself caught between his suspicious family and a deathbed promise her conscience demands that she keep. Will she sacrifice her own dreams for revenge, or will she choose something more?
A Familiar Shore is available for purchase on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Smashwords.
Thanks so much for having me on your blog!
Thanks for visiting and letting us in on the inside scoop about your book, Jennifer. I can't wait to read it!
One of the reasons I started this blog was to share books and authors with others. And I especially like to introduce new authors to my readers, so today I am happy to help my readers get to know more about Jennifer Fromke and her debut novel, A Familiar Shore
Tell us about your favorite book as a child and your favorite book as an adult. Can you see a connection between those books?
My favorite books were A Little Princess and The Secret Garden, both by Frances Hodgson Burnett. My favorite books of late (I’m afraid this changes as I read) are by Kate Morton: The Forgotten Garden, The House at Riverton, and The Distant Hours. And obviously, yes, there are strong similarities! All take place in England, and all of them involve an old and (except for one) huge house/castle-esque dwelling. I love the mystery and intrigue possible when you mix England, the past, and a stunning old house.
And they involve gardens! What is your favorite Scripture? Do you also have a favorite Scripture that encourages you in your writing?
I’ve spent a lot of time in Revelation over the years, somehow God seems to keep bringing me back. I taught a Bible study on this book, even wrote a study on the book. So one of my favorite verses comes from Rev. 21:5. It reads, “He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”
I keep coming back to this verse for several reasons. 1. Look at the world. Sadness, sickness, strife, lies, decay, bad choices everywhere you look . . . and God gives us this promise: I am making everything new. Not, I am gonna fix you up. Not, I’m gonna slap on a new coat of paint. But He tells us He is going to MAKE everything new again. This verse holds such promise! Such hope! 2. God told John to write it down because His words can be trusted and they are true. I’m not sure about anyone else, but if there are words guaranteed to be true, I’m gonna hang my life on them. So little turns out to be all that’s promised these days. But God’s words are true. 3. God told John to write. He didn’t tell him to remember or think about it. God told him to write. And I love this. I’m not saying I’ve ever taken dictation from God, but the idea that He values the written word, encourages me as a writer. I believe God called me to write and I want to write the words He’s ordained me to write.
My husband and I both love Revelation. Perhaps because it describes the place where we all want to go. If you could go to any place in the world to research/write a book, what setting would you choose?
Probably northern Michigan. I just love it there. I return every year, and my heart is sort of locked on the area. It’s a part of me already, but I’d love to soak myself in the atmosphere as I write about it. But if I had to choose a place outside my knowledge base, it would probably be England. I visited there once in college, but I’d love to spend a month in a country castle. Or a week in the city, walking the streets of Cheapside, rounding Piccadilly Circus and lingering in Trafalgar Square. I would also love a few more days in the museums there.
I often wonder if I would write if I had to do it the old-fashioned way without computers and spell-checks and email. Is there anything about technology that you don't like? Or anything about it that you feel enhances your writing?
I can remember writing plenty by hand - and I also remember learning to type on a real typewriter. There’s something wonderful about looking at the bottom of your hand and seeing it smeared with graphite from sliding across a page of penciled thoughts. But I would never trade technology - ever. When I remember the painful process of white-out and retyping, or when I consider the thought of mailing a complete manuscript - printed out - to a publisher, one at a time . . . I cringe. I’m not sure you could pry my apple products from my fingers anyway. I’m quite addicted.
Me, too! As a writer how have you had to grow and stretch out of your comfort zone?
I think the first big leap was showing my work to someone. When I started out in my first critique group, I would spend hours editing my work before I sent it off, worried they would find me a fool. Now, I shoot my first drafts off to my crit partners and expect them to tear it apart. I think I’ve developed a thick skin, and at the same time, I’ve come to crave criticism from people I trust. It makes me better and that’s what I’m constantly striving for - betterment. This has blended into a second stretch and that has to do with rejection. No one likes to get turned down for anything. But now I’m learning that if I don’t submit my work, it will never get accepted, but I can count on it getting rejected. It’s just part of the process. There is probably only one publisher out there right now who needs what I have to offer. I can research and scan websites until I go blind, but until I send it in, I’ll never know. So I’ve gotten used to the idea that my work will be rejected, but with that knowledge, I rest in the idea that it may also be accepted by someone too. And just because I’m rejected by one publisher does not mean my work is horrible. It means that publisher didn’t need it today. How many vegetables do you reject when you grocery shop? Lots! But it’s not because you hate all the vegetables. It’s because you only needed a few today.
Great analogy! What advice would you give to a beginning writer that you wish someone had given you?
Attending writing conferences will help you grow by leaps and bounds, and they are an excellent resource for meeting compatriots walking the same road toward publication.
Do you want to add anything about your book such as how to order it?
I’d love to! The book takes place over Memorial Day weekend, so this is an excellent time of year to read it! I think it will be great for summer reading. The water theme throughout will complement any time spent on the beach, at the lake or poolside.
The back cover copy reads like this: Meg Marks is a young lawyer raised off the coast of the Carolinas. An anonymous client hires her to arrange his will, and sends her to meet his estranged family at their lake home in northern Michigan. After a shocking discovery, she finds herself caught between his suspicious family and a deathbed promise her conscience demands that she keep. Will she sacrifice her own dreams for revenge, or will she choose something more?
A Familiar Shore is available for purchase on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Smashwords.
Thanks so much for having me on your blog!
Thanks for visiting and letting us in on the inside scoop about your book, Jennifer. I can't wait to read it!
Monday, May 14, 2012
Marcia Laycock's book launch
Marcia Laycock's Book Launch and Book Trailer for One Smooth Stone
You can read my blog with Marcia's excerpt and bio on my April 27, 2012 post. Today to kick off her book launch today I am adding her book trailer. Enjoy and then order the book on http://www.amazon.com/ then hurry to Marcia's site at http://www.writer-lee.blogspot.ca/
and see what free gifts you are eligible for. How can you lose?
You can read my blog with Marcia's excerpt and bio on my April 27, 2012 post. Today to kick off her book launch today I am adding her book trailer. Enjoy and then order the book on http://www.amazon.com/ then hurry to Marcia's site at http://www.writer-lee.blogspot.ca/
and see what free gifts you are eligible for. How can you lose?
Friday, May 11, 2012
Guest Blog by Lisa Lickel
Guest post: The Journey of The Map Quilt
The journey of The Map Quilt started when I was in fifth grade, learning about the Underground Railroad, watching my grandmother sew quilts, and discovering the astonishing fact that not all black people in the United States came here on slave ships.
I grew up on the east side of Wisconsin, but as I gradually learned more about the side closer to the Mississippi River, the rich culture wove its way into my psyche long before I considered writing a novel. To the county north of our farm in western Wisconsin a colony of free black farmers settled in community, where a few of the round barns of Alga Shivers still stand. To the west of our farm a few farmers still grow tobacco and dry the leaves in long sheds. To add to this what if, on the other side of the state, the east where I still live (yes, we live a split life) while on a ramble one nice day, a historian of my town points out a dilapidated tavern and, kitty-corner, a blank-eyed house on a rural crossroad. “They say there’s a tunnel under the road,” he says. “For the underground railroad.” It no longer exists, perhaps filled in, bordered up, or only a fanciful notion.
But that’s where fiction comes from – a veritable “what if” of fanciful notions. The whisper of a rumor, the wish of being part of history, the wonder of why we are the people we’ve come to be. I started my professional writing career in 2004 when I started selling magazine articles and features. I’d written two novels and eventually contracted with Barbour for a “cozy” mystery, which I had to look up. What was published as The Gold Standard, the first book in the Buried Treasure series, released in 2009. Although I’d also contracted The Map Quilt in 2007 with the original company, we hit major road construction. MAJOR. It happens. In the meantime I’ve been privileged to continue to grow my craft, and although I am delighted with the editing done, know this book could be tighter and better. It was still an “early” manuscript in my career. I sought a new publisher for three years and was blessed to find one. This book releases in electronic format first at the end of the month, and oddly enough, was set three years later in time when I wrote it.
Lisa Lickel is a Wisconsin writer who lives with her husband in a hundred and sixty-year-old house built by a Great Lakes ship captain. Surrounded by books and dragons, she writes inspiring fiction. Her published novels include mystery and romance, all with a twist of grace. She has penned dozens of feature newspaper stories, short stories, magazine articles and radio theater. She is the editor in chief of Creative Wisconsin magazine. Lisa also is an avid book reviewer, a freelance editor, an editor at Port Yonder Press, a writing mentor, a hostess at Clash of the Titles.com, and enjoys blogging at http://www.thebarndoor.net/ and http://www.reflectionsinhindsight.wordpress.com/. She loves to encourage new authors. Find her at http://www.lisalickel.com/ And Lisa is also a member of the John316 marketing network which is running the Blog Hop this week! If you want to order The Map Quilt, go to the publisher's site at https://museituppublishing.com/bookstore2/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage.tpl&product_id=376&category_id=8&manufacturer_id=196&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=1
Guest post: The Journey of The Map Quilt
The journey of The Map Quilt started when I was in fifth grade, learning about the Underground Railroad, watching my grandmother sew quilts, and discovering the astonishing fact that not all black people in the United States came here on slave ships.
I grew up on the east side of Wisconsin, but as I gradually learned more about the side closer to the Mississippi River, the rich culture wove its way into my psyche long before I considered writing a novel. To the county north of our farm in western Wisconsin a colony of free black farmers settled in community, where a few of the round barns of Alga Shivers still stand. To the west of our farm a few farmers still grow tobacco and dry the leaves in long sheds. To add to this what if, on the other side of the state, the east where I still live (yes, we live a split life) while on a ramble one nice day, a historian of my town points out a dilapidated tavern and, kitty-corner, a blank-eyed house on a rural crossroad. “They say there’s a tunnel under the road,” he says. “For the underground railroad.” It no longer exists, perhaps filled in, bordered up, or only a fanciful notion.
But that’s where fiction comes from – a veritable “what if” of fanciful notions. The whisper of a rumor, the wish of being part of history, the wonder of why we are the people we’ve come to be. I started my professional writing career in 2004 when I started selling magazine articles and features. I’d written two novels and eventually contracted with Barbour for a “cozy” mystery, which I had to look up. What was published as The Gold Standard, the first book in the Buried Treasure series, released in 2009. Although I’d also contracted The Map Quilt in 2007 with the original company, we hit major road construction. MAJOR. It happens. In the meantime I’ve been privileged to continue to grow my craft, and although I am delighted with the editing done, know this book could be tighter and better. It was still an “early” manuscript in my career. I sought a new publisher for three years and was blessed to find one. This book releases in electronic format first at the end of the month, and oddly enough, was set three years later in time when I wrote it.
Lisa Lickel is a Wisconsin writer who lives with her husband in a hundred and sixty-year-old house built by a Great Lakes ship captain. Surrounded by books and dragons, she writes inspiring fiction. Her published novels include mystery and romance, all with a twist of grace. She has penned dozens of feature newspaper stories, short stories, magazine articles and radio theater. She is the editor in chief of Creative Wisconsin magazine. Lisa also is an avid book reviewer, a freelance editor, an editor at Port Yonder Press, a writing mentor, a hostess at Clash of the Titles.com, and enjoys blogging at http://www.thebarndoor.net/ and http://www.reflectionsinhindsight.wordpress.com/. She loves to encourage new authors. Find her at http://www.lisalickel.com/ And Lisa is also a member of the John316 marketing network which is running the Blog Hop this week! If you want to order The Map Quilt, go to the publisher's site at https://museituppublishing.com/bookstore2/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage.tpl&product_id=376&category_id=8&manufacturer_id=196&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=1
Monday, May 07, 2012
Welcome to one of the stops on the John 316 Blog Hop Tour Event!
I have two giveaways this week:
1. EVERYONE who leaves a comment and an email address (you can disquise it from spammers by using something like {rose at bellsouth dot net} instead of using the @ and . ) will receive an email from me with a code to get a free ebook copy of Novel Morsels which was compiled by Nicole O'Dell and contains first chapters from Nicole, myself, and over fifty other author's first chapters of books released in 2011. You can check it out here on amazon http://www.amazon.com/dp/B006BJWKR0
2. And I will draw one winner next Tuesday morning after this blog hop is over from all the comments with email addys to send a paperback copy of my book Christmas Belles of Georgia. You can also check it out on amazon or read more about it on this blog by going back to my posts last Sept. when it was released.
So leave a comment here today or any day this week to win one ebook for sure, and a chance to win a copy of my book.
And it would be much appreciated if you would also click to "join this site" on the top right hand corner of this blog and also like my author page on Facebook at www.facebook.com/RoseAllenMcCauley
Then travel on over to the other sites listed below to be eligible for a bunch of other prizes, too, and be sure to sign up per the directions below to be entered in the drawing for a chance at one of two Kindles. Any questions? Leave them in your comment.

Welcome to the 1st John 3:16 Giveaway Blog Hop! As one of the members of this great network of Christian Authors, I am excited to participate in this event! We have come together this week to showcase our books and to give you, our readers, a chance to win some great prizes as you "hop" from blog to blog. A different prize is offered at each blog site (no purchase necessary), however if you want to have a chance to win one of two Kindles the network is giving away, the only requirement is that you sign up for the John 3:16 ezine newsletter. (Located at the top right side column of the John 3:16 blog site.)
(See official rules here.)
So tell your friends about the John 3:16 Giveaway Blog Hop! It's going to be a great week of fun!
Just click on the links below to go from blog to blog! Happy hoppin'!
Blog Hop Participants:
Lorilyn Roberts (John 3:16 Network Blog) – http://john316mn.blogspot.com/
Lynn Dove – Word Salt (Host blog) - http://wordsalt.wordpress.com/
Laura J. Davis - http://interviewsandreviews.blogspot.com/
Paulette Harper - http://www.pauletteharperjohnson.blogspot.com/
Carol A. Brown - http://connectwithcarolbrown.blogspot.com/
April Gardner - http://www.aprilwgardner.com/
Sue Russell – http://www.suerussellsblog.blogspot.com/
Thomas Blubaugh - http://tomblubaugh.net/
Susan F. Craft – http://historicalfictionalightintime.blogspot.com/
Heather Bixler – http://heatherbixler.com/
Joy Hannabass – http://splashesofjoy.wordpress.com/
Deborah Bateman - http://www.deborahhbateman.com/
Kimberley Payne - http://www.fitforfaith.blogspot.com/
Rose McCauley – http://www.rosemccauley.blogspot.com/
Lisa Lickel - http://livingourfaithoutloud.blogspot.com/
Alice J. Wisler - http://www.alicewisler.blogspot.com/
Amanda Stephan - http://www.thepriceoftrust.com/
Saundra Dalton – http://gracetolivefree.blogspot.com/
Tracy Krauss - http://www.tracykraussexpressionexpress.com/
Ashley Wintters - http://ashleyschristianbookreviews.blogspot.com/
Deborah McCarragher - http://www.godmissionpossible.blogspot.com/
Lorilyn Roberts - http://lorilynroberts.blogspot.com/
Anita Estes - http://anita-thoughtsonchristianity.blogspot.com/
Martin Roth – http://www.military-orders.com/
Janet Perez Eckles - http://www.janetperezeckles.com/blog
Kenneth Winters – http://www.lostcrownofcolonnade.com/
Eddie Snipes – http://www.eddiesnipes.com/
Diane Tatum - http://tatumlight-tatumsthoughts4today.blogspot.com/
Janalyn Voight - http://janalynvoigt.com/
Alberta Sequeira – http://www.albertasequeira.wordpress.com/
Tammy Hill – http://tammyhillbooks.blogspot.com/p/blog-hop.html
Marcia Laycock – http://www.writer-lee.blogspot.com/
Julie Saffrin - http://juliesaffrin.com/category/blog/
Nike Chillemi - http://nikechillemi.wordpress.com/
Elaine Marie Cooper - http://wp.me/PVo1a-1vM
Sidney W. Frost -http://christianbookmobile.blogspot.ca/2012/05/welcome-to-john-316-giveaway-blog-hop.html
Jairus B. King – http://ministerjking.blogspot.com/
Bill Burt - http://kotbooks.blogspot.com/
Kathy Eberly - http://authorkathyeberly.blogspot.com/
Bob Saffrin - http://bobsaffrin.com/
Theresa Franklin - http://theresa-lifesjourney.blogspot.com/
Ray Lincoln - http://blog.raywlincoln.com/
Lilly Maytree - http://www.lillymaytree.blogspot.com/
Valerie King - http://www.valeriekingbooks.com/
Yvonne Pat Wright - http://www.spicetoeternity.co.uk/
Pauline Creeden - http://fatfreefaith.blogspot.com/
Katherine Harms - http://livingontilt.wordpress.com/
Brenda Wood - http://heartfeltdevotionals.wordpress.com/
Deborah Malone - http://deborahsbutterflyjourney.blogspot.com/
Melissa Main – http://www.mainwriters.com/
Kevin Main - http://mainchristianbooks.com/
Sandy Humphrey - http://www.kidscandoit.com/blog/
Felice Gerwitz - http://www.writingandpublishingblog.com/
Hallee Bridgeman - http://www.bridgemanfamily.com/hallee
Lisa Mills - http://www.authorlisamills.com/blog/
I have two giveaways this week:
1. EVERYONE who leaves a comment and an email address (you can disquise it from spammers by using something like {rose at bellsouth dot net} instead of using the @ and . ) will receive an email from me with a code to get a free ebook copy of Novel Morsels which was compiled by Nicole O'Dell and contains first chapters from Nicole, myself, and over fifty other author's first chapters of books released in 2011. You can check it out here on amazon http://www.amazon.com/dp/B006BJWKR0
2. And I will draw one winner next Tuesday morning after this blog hop is over from all the comments with email addys to send a paperback copy of my book Christmas Belles of Georgia. You can also check it out on amazon or read more about it on this blog by going back to my posts last Sept. when it was released.
So leave a comment here today or any day this week to win one ebook for sure, and a chance to win a copy of my book.
And it would be much appreciated if you would also click to "join this site" on the top right hand corner of this blog and also like my author page on Facebook at www.facebook.com/RoseAllenMcCauley
Then travel on over to the other sites listed below to be eligible for a bunch of other prizes, too, and be sure to sign up per the directions below to be entered in the drawing for a chance at one of two Kindles. Any questions? Leave them in your comment.
Join Our Mailing List (Blog Hoppers, sign up here, check the John 3:16 Readership Box) |
Email: (for Kindle drawing, May 7-May 14) |

Welcome to the 1st John 3:16 Giveaway Blog Hop! As one of the members of this great network of Christian Authors, I am excited to participate in this event! We have come together this week to showcase our books and to give you, our readers, a chance to win some great prizes as you "hop" from blog to blog. A different prize is offered at each blog site (no purchase necessary), however if you want to have a chance to win one of two Kindles the network is giving away, the only requirement is that you sign up for the John 3:16 ezine newsletter. (Located at the top right side column of the John 3:16 blog site.)
(See official rules here.)
So tell your friends about the John 3:16 Giveaway Blog Hop! It's going to be a great week of fun!
Just click on the links below to go from blog to blog! Happy hoppin'!
Blog Hop Participants:
Lorilyn Roberts (John 3:16 Network Blog) – http://john316mn.blogspot.com/
Lynn Dove – Word Salt (Host blog) - http://wordsalt.wordpress.com/
Laura J. Davis - http://interviewsandreviews.blogspot.com/
Paulette Harper - http://www.pauletteharperjohnson.blogspot.com/
Carol A. Brown - http://connectwithcarolbrown.blogspot.com/
April Gardner - http://www.aprilwgardner.com/
Sue Russell – http://www.suerussellsblog.blogspot.com/
Thomas Blubaugh - http://tomblubaugh.net/
Susan F. Craft – http://historicalfictionalightintime.blogspot.com/
Heather Bixler – http://heatherbixler.com/
Joy Hannabass – http://splashesofjoy.wordpress.com/
Deborah Bateman - http://www.deborahhbateman.com/
Kimberley Payne - http://www.fitforfaith.blogspot.com/
Rose McCauley – http://www.rosemccauley.blogspot.com/
Lisa Lickel - http://livingourfaithoutloud.blogspot.com/
Alice J. Wisler - http://www.alicewisler.blogspot.com/
Amanda Stephan - http://www.thepriceoftrust.com/
Saundra Dalton – http://gracetolivefree.blogspot.com/
Tracy Krauss - http://www.tracykraussexpressionexpress.com/
Ashley Wintters - http://ashleyschristianbookreviews.blogspot.com/
Deborah McCarragher - http://www.godmissionpossible.blogspot.com/
Lorilyn Roberts - http://lorilynroberts.blogspot.com/
Anita Estes - http://anita-thoughtsonchristianity.blogspot.com/
Martin Roth – http://www.military-orders.com/
Janet Perez Eckles - http://www.janetperezeckles.com/blog
Kenneth Winters – http://www.lostcrownofcolonnade.com/
Eddie Snipes – http://www.eddiesnipes.com/
Diane Tatum - http://tatumlight-tatumsthoughts4today.blogspot.com/
Janalyn Voight - http://janalynvoigt.com/
Alberta Sequeira – http://www.albertasequeira.wordpress.com/
Tammy Hill – http://tammyhillbooks.blogspot.com/p/blog-hop.html
Marcia Laycock – http://www.writer-lee.blogspot.com/
Julie Saffrin - http://juliesaffrin.com/category/blog/
Nike Chillemi - http://nikechillemi.wordpress.com/
Elaine Marie Cooper - http://wp.me/PVo1a-1vM
Sidney W. Frost -http://christianbookmobile.blogspot.ca/2012/05/welcome-to-john-316-giveaway-blog-hop.html
Jairus B. King – http://ministerjking.blogspot.com/
Bill Burt - http://kotbooks.blogspot.com/
Kathy Eberly - http://authorkathyeberly.blogspot.com/
Bob Saffrin - http://bobsaffrin.com/
Theresa Franklin - http://theresa-lifesjourney.blogspot.com/
Ray Lincoln - http://blog.raywlincoln.com/
Lilly Maytree - http://www.lillymaytree.blogspot.com/
Valerie King - http://www.valeriekingbooks.com/
Yvonne Pat Wright - http://www.spicetoeternity.co.uk/
Pauline Creeden - http://fatfreefaith.blogspot.com/
Katherine Harms - http://livingontilt.wordpress.com/
Brenda Wood - http://heartfeltdevotionals.wordpress.com/
Deborah Malone - http://deborahsbutterflyjourney.blogspot.com/
Melissa Main – http://www.mainwriters.com/
Kevin Main - http://mainchristianbooks.com/
Sandy Humphrey - http://www.kidscandoit.com/blog/
Felice Gerwitz - http://www.writingandpublishingblog.com/
Hallee Bridgeman - http://www.bridgemanfamily.com/hallee
Lisa Mills - http://www.authorlisamills.com/blog/
Interview with Lisa Lickel
Hi Lisa, glad to have you stop by again. Can you share with us your favorite Scripture?
My favorite Scripture is from Hebrews 10:23: Let us hold firmly onto our faith, for he who promised is faithful. It both comforts and challenges me because it’s my responsibility to live however much I believe, but no matter what, it’s God who’s faithful to me no matter what I choose to do.
If you could go to any place in the world to research/write a book, what setting would you choose?Fun question! I’m torn between a research pod and the Cornish coast. I prefer to be alone, either way, though someone could drop food outside my door every once in a while, and draw me a bubble bath.
I often wonder if I would write if I had to do it the old-fashioned way without computers and spell-checks and email. Is there anything about technology that you don't like? Or anything about it that you feel enhances your writing?
Don’t laugh, but I still love pencil and notebook too. And there’s nothing like looking at scribbles and rearranging them on that old lined page, scribbling outside the lines, drawing circles and arrows and nibbling on the wood while pondering. What I don’t like about technology is being so dependent on a needed power source and waiting for the equipment to power up before that idea slips away. It might take less than a minute and I’m not completely impatient, but I can jot a note quicker than waiting for the computer sometimes. On the other hand, my computer files won’t smear and I can file them neatly and in order, which is comforting.
As a writer how have you had to grow and stretch out of your comfort zone?
Yech, still working on that one. I really do prefer to be alone, but to mentor people, or sell something, it generally works best to look them in the eye.
What advice would you give to a beginning writer that you wish someone had given you?
This is a business, dahling, first and foremost. There are no second chances, nice people who sympathize with your misplaced modifiers and inability to follow submission directions. And no matter what, you will be required to put on a salesman hat and peddle your wares.
Do you want to add anything about your new book The Map Quilt such as how to order it?
Hi Lisa, glad to have you stop by again. Can you share with us your favorite Scripture?
My favorite Scripture is from Hebrews 10:23: Let us hold firmly onto our faith, for he who promised is faithful. It both comforts and challenges me because it’s my responsibility to live however much I believe, but no matter what, it’s God who’s faithful to me no matter what I choose to do.
If you could go to any place in the world to research/write a book, what setting would you choose?Fun question! I’m torn between a research pod and the Cornish coast. I prefer to be alone, either way, though someone could drop food outside my door every once in a while, and draw me a bubble bath.
I often wonder if I would write if I had to do it the old-fashioned way without computers and spell-checks and email. Is there anything about technology that you don't like? Or anything about it that you feel enhances your writing?
Don’t laugh, but I still love pencil and notebook too. And there’s nothing like looking at scribbles and rearranging them on that old lined page, scribbling outside the lines, drawing circles and arrows and nibbling on the wood while pondering. What I don’t like about technology is being so dependent on a needed power source and waiting for the equipment to power up before that idea slips away. It might take less than a minute and I’m not completely impatient, but I can jot a note quicker than waiting for the computer sometimes. On the other hand, my computer files won’t smear and I can file them neatly and in order, which is comforting.
As a writer how have you had to grow and stretch out of your comfort zone?
Yech, still working on that one. I really do prefer to be alone, but to mentor people, or sell something, it generally works best to look them in the eye.
What advice would you give to a beginning writer that you wish someone had given you?
This is a business, dahling, first and foremost. There are no second chances, nice people who sympathize with your misplaced modifiers and inability to follow submission directions. And no matter what, you will be required to put on a salesman hat and peddle your wares.
Do you want to add anything about your new book The Map Quilt such as how to order it?
Sunday, May 06, 2012
"Let's Go to the Hop!" You're all invited!
Beginning Monday May 7th and running thru May 14th a group of authors have banded together to do a Blog Hop with lots of prizes.
Go to this FB site to learn more about it and be sure to check several of the blogsites of the participants and leave a comment each day this week to increase your chances to win one of two kindles! http://www.facebook.com/events/307154472696015/ Due to postage variations, the kindles will only be sent to someone with a US or CAN mailing address.
And each site will also have its own giveaways, too, so you have many opportunities to win books and more! Hope you will come back here tomorrow for a full listing of all the sites involved! Let's go to the hop, O Baby!
Beginning Monday May 7th and running thru May 14th a group of authors have banded together to do a Blog Hop with lots of prizes.
Go to this FB site to learn more about it and be sure to check several of the blogsites of the participants and leave a comment each day this week to increase your chances to win one of two kindles! http://www.facebook.com/events/307154472696015/ Due to postage variations, the kindles will only be sent to someone with a US or CAN mailing address.
And each site will also have its own giveaways, too, so you have many opportunities to win books and more! Hope you will come back here tomorrow for a full listing of all the sites involved! Let's go to the hop, O Baby!
Friday, May 04, 2012
K. Dawn Byrd, Lessons from the Open Road
Join me for another guest blog by K. Dawn Byrd, this one about the devotional she wrote based on lessons she learned from motorcycle riding!
Lessons from the Open Road by K. Dawn Byrd
A couple of years ago, the idea of writing a devotional about the lessons I learned while riding a motorcycle came to me. I had no idea what I was getting into and how much writing devotionals would minister to me as an author. I jotted down notes for weeks, hoping to come up with enough lessons to take the reader through a month. Lessons from the Open Road ended with 33 lessons, each followed by Scripture and prayer.
Sometimes life is hard. Sometimes learning new things is hard. Just when I thought I'd mastered the parking lot where I was learning to ride my little Yamaha Virago starter bike, I pulled out, forgot to hit the brake, did an Evel Knievel, and jumped a short concrete wall, landing in some trees. My poor little bike limped home with a hole in the crankcase the size of a quarter. J-B Weld to the rescue!
I'm stubborn, too stubborn to quit. After I recovered from the sore neck that resulted from my stunt, I climbed back on the old iron horse. Eventually, I graduated from the parking lot and hit the streets. When I'd learned to ride well enough to satisfy hubby, he bought himself a new Harley and I inherited his anniversary edition Harley Davidson Sportster. And, when I graduated with my masters degree, you'd never guess what I wanted. Yep, a new bike. I became the proud owner of a Screamin Eagle V-Rod (picture attached.)
All good things must eventually come to an end. I enjoyed my days on the road, but found another passion. Writing. I work a full-time job and since there's only so much time in the day, I have to choose what's most important to me. The bike had to go. Occasionally, I miss it, but for the most part, I'd rather be writing. I'm hoping the devotions in Lessons from the Open Road will minister to your heart as much as writing them did to mine.
Lessons from the Open Road is currently available in ebook format and will be coming soon in print. I had planned to list it at no cost, but Amazon wouldn't allow me to do so. I've listed it at the lowest price Amazon allows, 99 cents, and all proceeds will be donated to my church's building fun for the new church that's currently under construction.
For more information about Lessons from the Open Road, you can check it out on Amazon at http://www.blogger.com/goog_288821717
Book giveaway blog: http://www.kdawnbyrd.blogspot.com/
Young adult blog: http://www.zoe-mack.blogspot.com/
Website: www.kdawnbyrd.com
I'm also on Twitter (kdawnbyrd) and facebook (K Dawn Byrd.) I am the moderator of the Christian Fiction Gathering facebook group (http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?gid=128209963444) If you join this group, you'll get reminders about the weekly book giveaways.
K. Dawn Byrd is an author of inspirational romance, romantic suspense, and non-fiction. She is an avid blogger and gives away several books per week on her blog at http://www.kdawnbyrd.blogspot.com/, most of which are signed by the authors. She's also the moderator of the popular facebook Christian Fiction Gathering group at http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?gid=128209963444.
When not reading or writing, K. Dawn Byrd enjoys spending time with her husband of 16 years while walking their dogs beside a gorgeous lake near her home and plotting the next story waiting to be told.
Lessons from the Open Road by K. Dawn Byrd
A couple of years ago, the idea of writing a devotional about the lessons I learned while riding a motorcycle came to me. I had no idea what I was getting into and how much writing devotionals would minister to me as an author. I jotted down notes for weeks, hoping to come up with enough lessons to take the reader through a month. Lessons from the Open Road ended with 33 lessons, each followed by Scripture and prayer.
Sometimes life is hard. Sometimes learning new things is hard. Just when I thought I'd mastered the parking lot where I was learning to ride my little Yamaha Virago starter bike, I pulled out, forgot to hit the brake, did an Evel Knievel, and jumped a short concrete wall, landing in some trees. My poor little bike limped home with a hole in the crankcase the size of a quarter. J-B Weld to the rescue!
I'm stubborn, too stubborn to quit. After I recovered from the sore neck that resulted from my stunt, I climbed back on the old iron horse. Eventually, I graduated from the parking lot and hit the streets. When I'd learned to ride well enough to satisfy hubby, he bought himself a new Harley and I inherited his anniversary edition Harley Davidson Sportster. And, when I graduated with my masters degree, you'd never guess what I wanted. Yep, a new bike. I became the proud owner of a Screamin Eagle V-Rod (picture attached.)
All good things must eventually come to an end. I enjoyed my days on the road, but found another passion. Writing. I work a full-time job and since there's only so much time in the day, I have to choose what's most important to me. The bike had to go. Occasionally, I miss it, but for the most part, I'd rather be writing. I'm hoping the devotions in Lessons from the Open Road will minister to your heart as much as writing them did to mine.
Lessons from the Open Road is currently available in ebook format and will be coming soon in print. I had planned to list it at no cost, but Amazon wouldn't allow me to do so. I've listed it at the lowest price Amazon allows, 99 cents, and all proceeds will be donated to my church's building fun for the new church that's currently under construction.
For more information about Lessons from the Open Road, you can check it out on Amazon at http://www.blogger.com/goog_288821717
Book giveaway blog: http://www.kdawnbyrd.blogspot.com/
Young adult blog: http://www.zoe-mack.blogspot.com/
Website: www.kdawnbyrd.com
I'm also on Twitter (kdawnbyrd) and facebook (K Dawn Byrd.) I am the moderator of the Christian Fiction Gathering facebook group (http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?gid=128209963444) If you join this group, you'll get reminders about the weekly book giveaways.
K. Dawn Byrd is an author of inspirational romance, romantic suspense, and non-fiction. She is an avid blogger and gives away several books per week on her blog at http://www.kdawnbyrd.blogspot.com/, most of which are signed by the authors. She's also the moderator of the popular facebook Christian Fiction Gathering group at http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?gid=128209963444.
When not reading or writing, K. Dawn Byrd enjoys spending time with her husband of 16 years while walking their dogs beside a gorgeous lake near her home and plotting the next story waiting to be told.
Wednesday, May 02, 2012
Book giveaway, The Discovery by Dan Walsh
Two more Giveaways! Shoebox Surprise by Jennifer Johnson and The Discovery by Dan Walsh
The winner of Shoebox Surprise is Patricia Schreiner. And this month's giveaway is Dan Walsh's latest--The Discovery. If you have already read some of Dan's books, I know you will want to read this one, and in case you haven't read any of his books (where have you been!?) read the review below to see what a great read you have in store, then leave a comment here and any other blogposts the month of May to be in the drawing on June 1st for this special book. All commenters with a US mailing addy who leave a way to be contacted are eligible.
Book Review of The Discovery by Dan Walsh
This book is full of discoveries--for the well-developed characters as well as the reader. It is a story within a story. In the historical book within the book, the author makes it as bad as possible for the characters and then makes it worse!
But for the characters in the contemporary book that wraps around the book, things are such a contrast--almost too good to imagine. What author wouldn't love to be left a wealthy home to live and write in set in the historical section of Charleston, SC, by his bestselling author grandfather? And have his grandfather's agent contact him about writing a book?
It is also two love stories--loves that have and will last til death do them part. And a story with many twists and turns, including one at the end that leaves you wondering what the hero will decide to do with the information he has discovered.
Reading this story will keep you up late at night like it did me, and keep you thinking about it after you finish, wishing you could talk to the characters and see what they will do next--the hallmark of an excellent tale! And it will be enjoyed by both men and women.
Although this book was provided me by Revell and the author, all reviews are my own opinion.
The winner of Shoebox Surprise is Patricia Schreiner. And this month's giveaway is Dan Walsh's latest--The Discovery. If you have already read some of Dan's books, I know you will want to read this one, and in case you haven't read any of his books (where have you been!?) read the review below to see what a great read you have in store, then leave a comment here and any other blogposts the month of May to be in the drawing on June 1st for this special book. All commenters with a US mailing addy who leave a way to be contacted are eligible.
Book Review of The Discovery by Dan Walsh
This book is full of discoveries--for the well-developed characters as well as the reader. It is a story within a story. In the historical book within the book, the author makes it as bad as possible for the characters and then makes it worse!
But for the characters in the contemporary book that wraps around the book, things are such a contrast--almost too good to imagine. What author wouldn't love to be left a wealthy home to live and write in set in the historical section of Charleston, SC, by his bestselling author grandfather? And have his grandfather's agent contact him about writing a book?
It is also two love stories--loves that have and will last til death do them part. And a story with many twists and turns, including one at the end that leaves you wondering what the hero will decide to do with the information he has discovered.
Reading this story will keep you up late at night like it did me, and keep you thinking about it after you finish, wishing you could talk to the characters and see what they will do next--the hallmark of an excellent tale! And it will be enjoyed by both men and women.
Although this book was provided me by Revell and the author, all reviews are my own opinion.
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