I am so happy to pass on this award (which was presented to me by Jackie Layton http://www.jackiesbackporch.blogspot.com/ ) to 4 authors who have encouraged me and helped me on the road to publication. Although there are hundreds more I could pick from, so I will also add ACFW (Anerican Christian Fiction Writers) to which many of them belong. So, drumroll please!
The winners of this award are: Jennifer Johnson, Jeanie Smith Cash, Debra Ullrick and Jeri Odell. Jennifer has been my crit partner for almost 10 years and has helped me grow as a writer and friend so much! Jeanie, Debra and Jeri took a chance on me as a unpublished author when they invited me to join them in a collection a couple years ago which resulted in my first pubbed fiction--Christmas Belles of Georgia.
So, a big thanks to all of them and the example they set for me and other Christian authors to encourage new authors. Please check out their blogs/websites below and congratulate them. And continue to pass this award on to others who have helped you and your writing with random acts of kindness!
So good to see you participating in RAOK!! :))
What a wonderful gesture, Rose! Blessings to you, my friend!
MaryAnn Diorio, PhD, MFA
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