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Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday Musings--Lion and the Lamb My husband says March not only came in like a lion, but is going out like a lion, too, since we had temps of 27 this morning and a little snow/ice when we left for church yesterday on the last Sunday of the month. I thought today I would muse about Christ--the Lion and the Lamb. My husband and I DVR a TV program called "Christ in Prophecy" produced by Lamb and Lion Ministries which often speaks of the prophecies that have been/are being fulfilled about Jesus and the prophecies that remain to be fulfilled. Last night the main speaker David Reagan showed a video of himself speaking at a church in Texas where they had a lion cub and a lamb up on stage to emphasize the two faces of Christ. If you want to check out more on his great site, go to www.lamblion.com You can find many Scriptures that show these characteristics of Christ. A few for the Lamb are: Gen. 22:8, Ex. 12:21(I know these first two are concerning Abraham's sacrifice and the Passover lamb, but I believe they both point to Christ as the ultimate Lamb of God.) Also Isaiah 53:7, John 1:29, I Cor. 5:7, I Peter 1:19, and a bunch in Revelation! That's where you can also find this reference to Christ as the Lion of Judah. (Revelation 5:5) I hope this musing will turn your heart toward thinking more of the Lamb and Lion of God!

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